Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Animal Rights - Socialist or National Socialist?

Today we name-check "Keep Fascists Out of Animal Rights". We are concerned that the same thing is happening to the animal rights movement today that happened in the 1930s. Mary Dudley Ward's book "Jewish Kosher" was published by a well-known animal rights charity and if you are unlucky enough to see a copy of the original 1944 RSPCA version (not the 1951 watered down one) you will be as taken-aback as disgusted by its raw anti-semitism. Why, exactly, is animal rights SHAC jailbird Charlotte Lewis a BNP candidate? Why is BNP Councillor Mark Logan allowed to get his fat ugly mug in the local paper with RSPCA Inspectors when a bunch of BNP thugs did up their office? That won't help minorities trust them when they get raided (and don't forget that "98% of dog fighting work is Asian", according to the RSPCA's team leader Ian Briggs). Police officers are kicked off the force for being BNP members, but RSPCA staff get their picture on the front page and nothing is said or done. Why is the RSPCA trying to get kosher and halal meat banned in the EU - don't they like the idea of school children getting a proper meal? Why does BNP Deputy Leader Simon Darby keep name-checking the RSPCA? Why is the RSPCA doing nothing to control BNP fascists with fighting dogs (see today's Dog Magazine), and focussing on Islam? There are more questions than answers.

Keep fascists out of animal rights!
BNP Community Action Team and Cllr Mark Logan Keep RSPCA Office Open
Animal Rights in Nazi Germany
RSPCA seeks EU ban on Halal and Kosher meat
BNP's bid to ban halal meat from schools is thrown out
RSPCA - "Out of all the work we do 98% is Asian"
Have the RSPCA failed to act on dog-fighting?


  1. Bizarre! So you agree with halal meat?
    You should be disgusted with yourself.

  2. I agree with Muslim and Jewish kids getting a proper meal at school.

  3. Muslim and Jewish kids should get a proper meal at school. ...HOWEVER these communities have NO rights to change our animal rights welfare and laws. ....send your kids to school with a meal that parents made. .without breaking any laws. don't like it. .go live in a country that does allow it
