Thursday 7 January 2010

RSPCA - Dogs are "an ideal way to move deer from a wood'

Has anybody noticed that even the RSPCA appears to be subtly abandoning the Labour Party. Cameron and his buddies all regularly "riding to hounds", it is interesting to note that even John Rolls has been saying that "the Hunting Act has never been about stopping the activity of riding to hounds" . The Political Animal Lobby - a partnership between the RSPCA and IFAW - gave over £1,000,000 to the Labour Party to ban hunting and "riding to hounds". The gift was arranged by the Campaign to Protect Hunted Animals (CPHA), another partnership between IFAW, the RSPCA and LACS. Perhaps the Labour Party can't even rely on this type of cash come June, when the Faustian bargain must end?

Hunting Act flawed - and the League knows it
John Rolls - "Hunting Act has never been about stopping the activity of riding to hounds"

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